Rugby Union

Joe Schmidt has decided himself out of the All Blacks job after the World Cup,2023.He also decided out the possibility of him working with either Scott Robertson or Jamie Joseph, the leading candidates to succeed Ian Foster. Recently he has been working with the All Blacks as an assistant as well as the Blues.

It’s understood that timing and personal reasons were a significant factor in Schmidt’s decision.

The 57years old who is currently in the UK with Foster, to watch the England v France and Scotland v Ireland tests this weekend and France v Wales the following weekend.

I feel sorry for both of these people who obviously do not have a tv set, but instead get a flight to the UK. take hire cars, stay in expensive hotels, drinking the best wine and eating the best food, all paid by the NZ Rugby. Another waste of money, while families are struggling to buy boots for their kids.

It then takes 6 weeks to make a decision on the next coach. A 10 minute exercise. I have had the privilege to attend the board room of NZ. Rugby Board where members fly in from around the country, take expensive transport to the fancy hotel, wine and dine each other ,and enjoy the catering at the meeting. In our business we have Zoom to talk now, but it has not reached Wellington, as yet.

I have been involved in rugby for 50 years and never accepted a single cent for all my services. Saturdays were driving with a van load of kids to games, buying the soft drinks, giving them free shorts and boots. Our club charged families zero subs, instead we sold sausages for funds. Maybe the board could try this idea, instead of wasting money on them selves. This is not to mention all the practice sessions, fund raising, meetings, working the bar, cleaning up afterwards, etc, all no charge.

Schmidt’s call narrows the contest down to Robertson and Joseph, two strong candidates who offer different strengths and weaknesses.

Stand by, it should not take long for the decision to be made. I am so glad these people do not run my business. Imagine how long it would take these clowns to build a building or similar.
