Rugby ball on the green ground. Rugby in general

I tried to watch the Maori All Blacks v Ireland yesterday but turned the tv off after about 20 minutes.

We have referees and blind flag carriers on the sideline looking for the simplist little thing so they can stop play.

Recently there have been penalty’s for grabbing a leg in the rucks and mauls. Man, there are a dozen people involved in rucks and mauls and sometimes people grab a leg.

It does not alter what’s happening, but the whistle happy official takes play back and awards a penalty. Nobody got injured or lost a leg, play on. Even when a player sticks his hand out to intercept a pass, often that player is sent to the sin bin for a deliberate knock on. Please have some common sense.10 minutes for that.

They seem to miss the obvious forward pass, or the deliberate time wasting, especially when that side has a player in the bin. The game seems to stop while the clock winds down. The game struggles to attract more players and then the weirdos who make the rules try to slow the game even more.

After some research recently the average time the ball is in play in a rugby union game, around the world, is 35 minutes. Yep you read correctly 35 minutes.

Spectators pay huge money to attend games which is meant to entertain. 35 minutes is hardly entertaining.

I have been involved in union for 65 years, including player, international player, coach, referee, administration, and even cut the bloody grass at the grounds, and I have never witnessed the game in such a poor state as it is now, a lot to do with the rule makers who do not understand this is a contact sport.

They are so worried about a court case from greedy players. Do I believe they will change their mind? No, I do not, but they will struggle to get my money.

There is another game out there called rugby league and their rule makers are way ahead of the union boys. Still a contact sport but faster, and in my opinion better to watch. Sad but true after 65 years of union.

Enjoy your footie and feel free to comment.

