Rugby in general

In my opinion I think some of the rules of the game need changing. Do I think this will happen ?? …NO!

There is a lot of time wasting in union and I think people pay good money to be entertained, not bored.

After a try is scored the time should stop, allow the conversion and restart time from the kickoff.

Especially when a player is in the bin or the last few minutes the team leading by a small margin waste time and the ref allows this to happen.

This allows the team with the player in the bin to wind down the clock, which means he can get back on the field without the other team scoring.

Players go down with a bootlace undone. Well play on.

Same with injuries, unless its serious, a lot are fake. Play on.

We had a call when the opposition were hot on our goal line someone would lie down with a non existent injury giving us time to reset our defence.

Lineouts, once the ball is kicked out, the same team or water boys touch the ball to prevent a quick lineout. AND, take an age to walk to the lineout.

First there is a team meeting from the penalty mark, then a cup of tea and scones, then they slowly walk to the lineout.

Call time off. Its time wasting.

Scrums, collapse twice, Penalty.

Teams are deliberately collapsing scrums, again wasting time.

We use to practice scrum collapsing especially when in front of the scoreboard and time running out, Each scrum takes at least a minute, sometimes more.

Four or five resets, and 8 minutes gone.

Scrums have a set time to form, if the ref has to tell these guys who practice non stop how to pack down, give a free kick and move on.

They will learn.30seconds for a dropout from your goal line or a penalty is blown right in front of the posts.

Let me know how you feel about these thoughts, and enjoy your footie.

Do you have an opinion about the selection?
