Rugby in general

I watched the union game between the Wallabies and the All Blacks over the weekend and I notice time wasting coming back into the game, especially in the Wallabies side. The ref’s clamped down on it for a while, but it is back. This has happened for some time now, with sides taking the penalty kick to touch, then a committee meeting, before heading to the lineout. The referee on Saturday instructed the Wallabies to hurry up, at the lineouts, but I want to see teams punished for this behaviour. Another was a penalty to the Wallabies late in the game, Well, a cup of tea was ordered and muffins were cooked, while a decision was made about what do do. Some time later a shot at goal was called. Again time wasting. Obviously coaches are instructing their team to slow down the game, to tie a bootlace, or fake an injury, but there is already too many stoppages in union without this rubbish. Ref’s should either penalise the offenders, or in the case of a boot lace, play on. Too bad. If the injury is not endangering the injured player. IE. in the direction play will go. Then play on. Take the injured player off, or not, is up to the trainers.

RE, league and the Bunker.

Well this is a nightmare for me. What is a penalty, or a sin bin, or a send off, for a head high tackle, or a hip drop? Well, who knows. In one game it’s a send off, another a sin bin, another a penalty, another nothing. One player gets suspended for 3-4 weeks, while others get off. On Monday the NRL decide the player did nothing wrong. Well he got penalised, or sin binned for nothing. These decisions change results on games, and could decide top eight or bottom eight. Even a coaches career can be affected by these decisions.

The Bunker with all their screens and experts have no idea. They watch replay after replay and still get it wrong. In the Eels/Dragons game there was a strip on the Dragons ball player going for the try and they go, not stripped. You are kidding me. Hands all over the ball. Poor Dragons fans. Cost them the game.

In the Canberra/Tigers game forward passes decided the game result. The touch judge was right in line with the pass from Jack Whitton, and Canberra score. The touch judge does not call the pass forward. It cost the Tigers the game.

In the Dolphins/Knights game, same thing. A forward pass decides the result. The touch judge is right in line with play and still gets it wrong.

And in the 77th minute from a scrum to the Dolphins, Grant Aitkins said a Dolphins player grabbed a jersey. Penalty. This had no bearing on the play at all and has happened all season uncalled. OMG.

On Monday, Graeme Annesley admitted the Canberra pass was forward, but to bad. Tigers lose. Annesley said the Eels strip should have been play on. Too bad. St George lose. He also said the Dolphins jersey grab should have been play on. Too bad. Dolphins lose. Surely the Bunker can rule on these blatant decisions, or are they taking a nap. They are not good enough at their job.

There is no good coming out on Monday and saying the ref or the Bunker made a mistake. Do the losing team get any points for the officials making mistakes? NO.

Every week, every game, there are numerous bad calls from touch officials and refs, and the Bunker. We see replay after replay, and the experienced callers on Fox tell us the result. Some of these callers have played hundreds of games, only for the Bunker to say some thing opposite. We can see what happens at home ,but the Bunker officials can not see the same thing. Or the ref sends it to the Bunker as a no try, the Bunker says it is a try, but because the on field ref said it was a no try, that decision stands. PLEASE HELP ME HERE. The Ref, if unsure simply, needs to ask the Bunker, Try or No try. No need for the refs to say anything. The Bunker decides, TRY or NO TRY.

I also noticed in the Cowboys/Broncos game a new dirty tackle called the “squirrel grip” used on Reece Walsh by the Cowboys enforcer, Coen Hess, where the legs are pulled up towards the back area while the tackled player is on the ground. Very dangerous as it causes lower back issues ,but again, while I can view this at home, no officials notice this dirty tactic. OPEN YOUR EYES. No action taken on Monday either. VERY WEAK AND POOR.

Do teams in the top of the competition get rewarded more for mistakes? Well you tell me. I have my opinion. Are there perks from the top clubs to officials? Again ,you tell me. I have been around the game for a long time, and I have been privy to various conversations between clubs and officials, so you make your own opinion on that.

The game is being decided by officials, often who have never even played the game. Give me strength please. All these replays slow the game down as well. League is heading towards Union more and more.

Read this too
