Rugby League

I have to write about the NRL match review committee ,referees, and the video ref. I though my tv was broken when watching the Melbourne Storm game against the NZ Warriors the other night, but it is the system that is broken.

Nelson Asofa-Solomona, from the Storm, in my opinion, deliberately tried to injure Wayde Egan, with an elbow/forearm into the face, while teammate Josh King went unpunished for an eye-gouge . King was placed on report and received a penalty but that’s all. No fine, nothing. Both of these players have tremendous talent, and there is no need for this grubby behaviour. The eye contact may have been accidental, but any contact around the eyes, is worthy of a sin bin, minimum penalty, and I suggest two weeks out of the game. This is the only way to educate dirty players.

Asofa-Solomona, who is a huge man, of approximately 2 m tall and about 130kgs,was placed on report, but was NOT charged by the review committee. How weak are these people. He should have been sent from the field, faced the NRL review committee, and rubbed out for 5 weeks. Egan, the Warriors player who was on the ground, on his back, when this huge prop lands on his face deliberately hurting him, had to leave the field, and now will lose some teeth. Solomona, who has form for being a dirty player, received no punishment, despite all the video camera’s scattered around the paddock, watching this despicable act take place. What a grub.

Even the next day after watching all the replays the NRL match review committee ,who must be blind, suggested there was nothing wrong in that act. Well, watch this week when another player does the same thing and gets wiped out for several weeks. I am all for hard tackles, but not dirty players, who should be rubbed out of the game for a long time.

When I coached, I would stand my own team players down automatically, for dirty play, no matter what other penalties they received from the officials. This is sport and no players should be deliberately hurt by some thug who hates everyone. NRL DO YOUR JOB. IT’S NOT HARD.
