Rugby in general

Well at last a little bit of action from the All Blacks coaching mess with two assistants, hand picked by Foster following the 2019 World Cup in Japan, sacked. This is a step in the right direction, but only one step.

Jason Ryan the Crusaders forwards coach has been bought in again as a forwards coach, but even though, I support this move, and admit Jason is a great Coach and team man, I am not sure how much he can achieve in two weeks before those giant Springbok forwards get hold of the opposition in South Africa.

There has to be more to come in the way of sackings, and I have Foster and Cane ready to go as coach and captain. Neither should have been appointed from the start. There are several good coaches in NZ at the moment but why would you agree to take over this shambles and ruin your future career.

Joe Schmidt, an ex Irish coach will be in the background, but not coaching ,not yet anyway, so Foster will stay until after NZ loose the world cup in France. I believe they will be finishing maybe 4th or 5th.Not good enough for an AB team.

The AB’s appear to lack a game plan and insist on a box kick which I can not understand. The idea of a box kick is to regain possession, but if you already have the possession WHY would you kick it away to gain at best 10-15 metres.

An old coach of mine, when I was playing under 19’s, stated that the opposition can not score if they don’t have the ball. Still Relevant today.

If you look at the AB team today they are hardly world beaters. Maybe Jordon and Savea would get in a world team but very few others.

Talent by the bucket load, but poor options, too many mistakes, Too many silly penalties, lack of a game plan, and a poor head coach, and captain who is past his best. The AB’s of past teams must be crying as they watch the rubbish dished up at the moment. In the mean time enjoy your union.

I am off to watch the rugby league.
