Rugby ball on the green ground. Rugby in general

Following the series loss to Ireland the NZ Rugby board said the situation was, “NOT ACCEPTABLE”, and a “FULL REVIEW,” would be carried out before announcing the squad for the Rugby Championship for 2022.

Well that’s pretty hash words.

Yesterday the All Blacks coach Ian Foster announced the squad after the “FULL REVIEW”. There was also a review 6 months earlier which did nothing at all. There where were two players replaced and that’s it, all over.

One player replaced is off overseas soon, and the other is a reserve player coming off the bench.

Wow, there must have been some sleepless nights over that, “FULL REVIEW.” If that, Full Review, took place in my company I would be so disappointed, and actually embarrassed.

I think here is the problem. A WEAK BOARD, too scared to make hard, much needed decisions. The AB’s also have a weak skipper in Sam Cane, a weak coach in Ian Foster, and weak Assistants in scrum coach Greg Feek and forwards coach in John Plumtree.

These are both good provincial coaches but not up to the high AB standards expected. The AB’s have lost the dominance once held by previous sides and need to find some mongrel. There is none in this squad.

Anyway we look forward to another “FULL REVIEW”, after South Africa have ripped this side to shreds.

Enjoy your footie.

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